There is Power
in Color
"Shopping for clothing can often be stressful. It takes time, money, and 'deciding' energy.
With a TCI Personal Color AnaIysis I can help you with creative direction as you rebuild your wardrobe, resulting in efficient shopping, loving what you've curated for yourself, and wearing confidence as you start your day."
Serving Central Texas with the TCI Method of Personal Color Analysis.
Provable ~ Repeatable ~ Science-based

Why choose the TCI Method?
Personal Color Analysis began decades ago with 4 zones of color that were named after the seasons:
Spring & Autumn - warm tones
Winter & Summer - cool tones
TCI adds EIGHT additional zones in between these four, called the Neutral Zones, which have varying degrees of both warm and cool combined.
With a total of 12-Tones there is greater accuracy and the results are STUNNING!
No matter your season in life, color can empower and calm, stimulate and inspire. The effectiveness of those qualities becomes an incredibly impactful tool after your TCI Personal Color Analysis.

Laurel's testimony says it all.
"Such a fun relaxing experience with my mom for Mother's Day! As a PhD student, I was also impressed with how analytical & science-based the 12-Tone system is. Cindy definitely knows her stuff! It is super comforting to now know what I should be looking for when shopping, and I get a little boost of confidence wearing colors that scientifically look the best on me! SO worth the price!"
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